Do You Think You're Right?

Strands of hair fall across the sun,
Creating vortexes within sulfuric deposits.
Despite any warmth that may remain
The sun has all but lost its power.
Do you think you're right?

Doubt seeps through the walls
And flows between the floor boards.
Jaguars and Porches are waiting to run,
They sit cautiously, following my eyes.
Do you think you're right?

Oh, Marc Anthony you've taught me well,
You've given me Rome's eyes.
Fair Merlin do not leave me to the Plague,
I have yet to find the Grail.
Do you think you're right?

The Silver Screen asked me for my life
So they could show what has happened.
And those of you who don't judge
Will surely falter as you comb my coast.
Do you think you're right?

To The Beginning