Sweet Celtic Music

I've wandered through your bedroom door
Trying to avoid the order of clothes on your floor
Less we destroy the second I took your hand
And freed you from the slaves that feed upon your land
My lessons lost on the currents escaping the night

I whispered your name into your ear one time
And you took my eyes deep within your mind
as the lightest of touches was exchanged
my finger tips, confused, traced the lettering
that clung to your shirt, surviving their fight

You ceased to move as I caught your view
the walls moving in, like a mother sheltering
an infant from the glares of strangers
I struggle, shortly, to understand the folds
of your shirt as it clumsily keeps your breasts from sight

I've wandered through department stores
and lingered among women's clothes,
dreams of the flesh they'll one day hide
and the mess they'll make upon those floors.
So ends my night with you and so continues my blight.

To The Beginning